Make a Donation to the Cleveland APL

As a 501(c)(3) organization, the APL is an independent nonprofit agency that is not funded or controlled by any local government or national animal welfare agency. Since we receive no government funding, the Cleveland Animal Protective League relies on generous friends like you to make a difference in the lives of the animals for whom we shelter, rescue, and provide assistance.


General Donations

In Honor or Memory of a Pet

In Honor or Memory of Person

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Donor Privacy Statement – The Cleveland Animal Protective League is committed to our donors’ privacy rights. We do not trade, share or sell any of our donors’ personal information to other organizations or entities, including other charities and animal shelters. This applies to both online and offline donors.

Cleveland Animal Protective League Gift Acceptance and Donor Privacy Policies

Our site provides users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us when making an on-line gift. When you opt-out of receiving communications from us, we remove your personal information from our mail lists. If you choose to opt-out of our mailings, please send an e-mail with your name and address to with the words Opt Out in the subject line, or you may call 216-377-1632 or 216-436-2356.

Does your company match your charitable donation?

View a list of companies that match their employees’ gifts.

More Ways to Give

Donation, Planned Giving, or Estate Plan inquiries can be specifically addressed by our Development Office at 216-344-1353 or by e-mail at Identify your inquiry in the subject line with “Donation” to help us prioritize your mail.

*Our Combined Federal Campaign Number is 29857 Tax ID: 34-0714644.