Cleveland APL Calendar Contest Deadline Extended to Friday, August 1

Jason Cook

Grab your cameras, everyone. You have some extra time to pose your pets and enter their photos in the Cleveland APL’s 2015 Pet Calendar Contest! The original deadline of Friday, July 25, has been extended until Friday, August 1.

The $25 entry fee guarantees that your pet’s photo will appear somewhere in our full-color calendar and 12 lucky photos will be chosen by our celebrity judges as Pets of the Month. Your entry fee also includes a copy of the calendar, which will be mailed to you in November
2014. All entry fees and proceeds from the calendar contest and purchase benefits the Cleveland APL’s life-saving programs and services.

Photos can be entered online by visiting or by sending a color 4×6, horizontal photograph to the Cleveland APL. Remember, for a $25 entry fee per picture, all photographs are guaranteed to be included on the pages of the Cleveland APL’s 2015 calendar.